Advent and Christmas Services
1st December:
10.30am Morning Praise
6.30pm Pearl Cluster United Advent Carol Service at St Andrews Rochford
7th December: Frost Fair 3-6pm, click here for more information
8th December: 10.30am Holy Communion
12th December: CAMEO Christmas party
15th December: 4pm Carols by Candlelight (no morning service)
20th December:
EYFC/KS1 9.30am Christmas Christingle service
KS2 2.15pm Christmas Service
7pm Carols in the Pub, Castle Inn, click here for more information
22nd December: 10.30am Holy Communion
24th December: 4pm Christms Eve Crib Service
25th December Christmas Day: 10.30am Family Praise
29th December: 10.30am Family Praise and farewell service for Reverend Sharon Guest at St Nicholas Great Wakering followed by a shared lunch
1st December:
Toy Service 10.30am (Please bring along a gift for a child or mum residing in Safer Places)
6.30pm Pearl Cluster Advent Carol Service at St Andrews Rochford
8th December: 6.30pm Candlelight Carol Service
11th December: CAMEO Christmas Party
12th Decemebr: 4pm Messy Church Christmas Party
15th December: 10.30am Morning Praise
4pm Louise and her Harp pupils concert, click here for further information
16th December: 7.30pm Blarembelles Carol Service
18th December: 5pm Outdoor Church Yard Carols
20th December: 7pm Carols in the Pub, The Castle Inn, click here for more information
22nd December: 10.30pm Holy Communion
24th December: Christmas Eve
4pm Crib
11pm Midnight Holy Communion
25th December Christmas Day: 10.30am Holy Communion
29th December: 10.30am Family Praise and farewell service for Reverend Sharon Guest at St Nicholas Great Wakering followed by a shared lunch
1st December:
10.30am Christingle Service
3.30pm Golf Club Carol Service
6.30pm United Advent Carol Service
8th December: 9am Holy Communion with Renewal of Vows
15th December: 10.30am 9 Lessons and Carols
20th December: 7pm KES Christmas Performance
22nd December: 9am Holy Communion
24th December: Christmas Eve
4pm Crib Service
11pm Midnight Holy Communion
25th December, Christmas Day: 10.30am United Holy Communion at St Andrews Ashingdon
29th December: 10.30am Family Praise and farewell service for Reverend Sharon Guest at St Nicholas Great Wakering followed by a shared lunch
1st December:
Advent Service 9.30am
Pearl United Advent Carol Service at St Andrews Rochford 6.30pm
7th December: Tree Festival in the hall and the church, 11am-4pm click here for more information
8th December:
Holy Communion service in the hall, 9.30am (please note no service in church)
Tree Festival in the hall and the church, 11am-4pm, click here for more information
6.30pm Outside Carols in the Churchyard
11th December: Ashingdon Concert, click here for more information
15th December:
Holy Communion 9.30am
Christingle Service 4pm
22nd December: Holy Communion 9.30am
24th December: Midnight Holy Communion
25th December Christmas Day: Holy Communion 10.30am, we will welcome out brothers and sisters from St Andrews Rochford
29th December: 10.30am Family Praise and farewell service for Reverend Sharon Guest at St Nicholas Great Wakering, followed by a shared lunch
1st December:
11.15am Family Praise
6.30pm United Pearl Cluster Advent Csrol Service at St Andrews Rochford
8th December: 11.15am Holy Communion
15th December: 6.30pm Carols By Candlelight, please note there is no morning service
22nd December: 11.15am Holy Communion
24th December: 11pm Midnight Holy Communion
29th December: 10.30am Family Praise and farewell service for Reverend Sharon Guest at St Nicholas Great Wakering, followed by a shared lunch
1st December:
4pm Christingle Service
6.30pm Pearl Cluster United Advent Carol Service at St Andrews Rochford
15th December: 9.30am Holy Communion
24th December: 6.30pm Paglesham Carols
25th December Christmas Day: Holy Communion
29th December: 10.30am Family Praise and farewell service for Reverend Sharon Guest at St Nicholas Great Wakering, followed by a shared lunch.
1st December: 11.15am Holy Communion
15th December: 11.15am Holy Communion
29th December: 10.30am Family Praise and farewell service for Reverend Sharon Guest at St Nicholas Great Wakering, followed by a shared lunch