St Nicholas Canewdon

Brief History of the Church

We have a beautiful 14th-century Parish Church that is situated on top of a hill overlooking the River Crouch. Its impressive 15th-century tower, a landmark for many miles, is said to have been erected by Henry V following his victory at the Battle of Agincourt in France. During the reign of Queen Elizabeth I the tower was used as a navigation point along the River Crouch. During the First World War the tower was used for observation and as a signalling post. The old village lock-up and stocks are located to the east of the church.

In 2008, following a very generous bequest from a member of the congregation, a new peal of 10 bells was installed complete with a new ringing chamber, which can be viewed from the main body of the church.

Reverend Ernie Guest

Contact Details:

01702 936584

Warden: Andrea Bedford

I was approached to be Church Warden in 2007 and was sworn in at the ArchDeacon's Visitation Service in 2008.  During that time I have also acted as Treasurer, and currently am also acting PCC Secretary.

I have recently completed the Course in Christian Studies, which opens up opportunities for other vocations within church, and am now an Authorised Lay Preacher.  I lead Morning Prayer once a month, which we have as a very interactive service, held at the back of church, we start with refreshments so similar to Cafe Worship.  This has been well received by the congregation who enjoy the more informal setting.

Contact details:

Tel: 01702 314547

Mobile: 07791 662522


Find us and contact us

St Nicholas Church

High Street 



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    Pearl Cluster

     St Nicholas